Yesterday I mentioned the Fashion 30 challenge. Today I thought I would go a little more in detail. The whole of the challenge is to stop shopping. Last year, I thought it would be a good idea because my husband was deployed, I was bored, and trying to save money. Yet, these darn after Christmas sales were luring me in. So I just put the kabosh on the whole buying clothes thing. I knew in the dark corners of my closet were clothes I never wore. I get stuck on my tried and true combos and forget everything else. I imagine most of us are like that.
I decided to put a fun spin on the whole no-new-clothes ban. I would see what new outfits I could create with what I already owned. Surprising I created a few new combos that worked. You can get the whole 30 day recap HERE and HERE.
I even had a few revelations regarding my shopping habits. Revelations that made me a but uncomfortable to realize and admit to. Ultimately, those life lessons changed the way I shop. I am more conscious of what I buy and how it fits into my current wardrobe. Another helpful resource I use often is Pinterest. It is the best thing for getting ideas to re-style old favorites. I love love love Pinterest! Never gets old to me.
I can't take complete credit for this fashion project. I received many comments last year regarding others' experience or knowledge of the 30 day shopping hiatus. Neither here nor there I guess. Last year turned out to be more about kicking some bad habits. This year will be more about creativity. So much came from last year's Fashion 30, I'm excited to see what happens this month.
Here is what you can look forward to. I will be working through my wardrobe day by day. My only rule is to not wear an outfit more than once. I will take daily pictures of my outfits. On Wednesday I will share them. At the end of the month I will be sure to recap.
February 1st: I will go shopping.
February 1st: I will go shopping.

Hahaha I love the "Feb 1st: I will go shopping" comment. I can't wait to see what you put together! I am so guilty of always wearing the same things and neglecting others!
Those darn sale...they get me everytime.
ReplyDeleteI need to start packing for my move (that's in a week!) and figured I would find a bunch of clothes I forgot I had. I'm trying not to buy anything new till I really evaluate my wardrobe. I really like the "creating new outfits with what you already have" thing!