What I love most is the new site runs smoothly. The staff knows what they are doing and the kids know what they are doing. I can focus my attention on creating a fun program for the kids versus constantly stressing about start up stuff. Which means my first week was stress-free and my weekend was relaxing. Love that!
Saturday morning started with a quick trip to Target. I'm trying to get Zac's bedroom started but apparently they don't make boys bedding without cartoon characters. My soon to be 6th grader has outgrown character bedding...kind of. No luck on the bedding but I did find this organizing gem. My kitchen drawer went from this...
To this...
My heart is so happy right now. The rest of the day was sort of a blur. My mind kept going back to the drawer.
15 years. Please excuse my kissy lips. Just keeping it exciting for the hubby. Yes. We're old.
While enjoying our wine on the patio (terrace was blocked off) we notice some big event happening in the courtyard below. We were people watching, reading signs, and realized there is something big about to happen. That is when the announcer told us 'The stars will be arriving'. Then the stars began arriving. We walked over to the area where the stars were making their grand entrance and spent the next 30 minutes watching many many reality stars descend the staircase. It only seemed right we should take pictures and tease our daughter with her favorite Big Brother stars, Brendan and Rachel.
My husband has all the clear-ish pictures and my phone won't receive them. You probably get the jest of what we were watching from this terrible Instagram photo. It really was the best people watching I've done by far. It was fun to see these TV people interact together. Everyone seemed to be courteous and well behaved. I even got to see my Biggest Loser people from the season when Darin was deployed. I felt like we were reconnecting from afar. I really wanted to give them all a big hug and thank them for being my little beacon of light during deployment #4. The security guards and 15 vertical feet separating us kind of put the kibosh on that. In my heart it happened though.
After spending way too much time watching everyone mingle we decided to get food. My poor husband was way past his window for meal time. We hit up a local sports bar (his choice) and ordered some fried cream cheese and jalapeno egg rolls. The best. And then more unhealthy food after that.
It was such a fun night. Another fluke in my book. I seem to have this way with flukes. Yet this date was the epitome of us. Unconventional. Random. It's embarrassing to say this but almost 18 years ago...yes...18...high school relationship... anyways, the two of us were trying to plan our first date together. I remember telling him 'I'm not a movie and dinner kind of girl'. We ended up playing miniature golf in a foot of snow. Yes... there may have been trespassing involved...what are the limitations on criminal charges??? Golfing in the snow pretty much sums up our relationship. Random adventures we happen to stumble upon. Staying away from the norm. Pave our own way. I don't think we are planning to change anytime soon. It's working for us so far!