The prep work is super simple. The supplies are minimal. This will be an easy craft to put together at a low cost. I collected several boxes from Scholastic and postal deliveries throughout the week from several teachers. Which means we start out with $0 expense.
A cut out template is next. You will easily find one online. I found mine here.
Other supplies per craft: brown paint, paintbrush, glue, 1 cotton ball, 2 pom poms or buttons, and 2 googly eyes.
After all the set up, I introduce the craft to the kids. Definitely stressing the gingerbread baby part because babies are way more fun than men! Then we paint. Mix a few drops of water with your paint. Not only will it take your supply farther but it makes this gingerbread craft dry much faster.
Next, gather all the kids to read Jan Brett's The Gingerbread Baby away from the craft table(s). No need to buy this book, it's such a popular story you are sure to find it at your local library. It's a great story. Lots of room for livening it up with character voices and picture walks. Jan Brett is awesome at including those illustration extras in her books. The craft needs about 15 minutes to dry. With transitions and story reading you will most likely have it timed perfectly.
Return to the table(s) to finish decorating the gingerbread babies. Glue on googly eyes, pom pom balls for clothes, and torn cotton ball for frosting. The smile can be made with a sharpie or other dark colored marker. I initially used a paper smile but with sticky fingers, the paper becomes very difficult to keep in tact. Markers will save a lot of sadness from the littles. Plus they get to determine what expression their little baby will have.
If time allowed, I would suggest reading through the story again and bringing the newly created gingerbreads to life. If time is limited, the gingerbreads will make great room decor or puppets. The kids adore the craft and love to bring the story to life!

These are so fun I love it! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute, fun idea!