I am just as stunned as you are that this month is over. It just went too fast. I always have high hopes that July will be the month for everything. And then, every year, it flies by and I only did half of what I hoped for. Does this happen to you?
Reading was a lot like that in July. I planned to read my way through the month with a tall stack of books. In reality, I read two books and I spent more time doing other things. Most of my time was spent on a summer course I need to prepare for a grad program. It isn't nearly as much fun but necessary. Maybe, August will be my month for reading *fingers crossed*
I have been working my way through my Summer Reading List I created in May. I've surprised myself by sticking to the list. The Nightingale, Behind Her Eyes, and The Lightning Thief were my 3 books left to read. I started with The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah which lived up to all the good things readers shared with me. Wow, what a well written story! I have never read a WW2 book set in occupied France, so that was eye opening.
The story follows two sisters living in occupied France. One is forced to live alongside the enemy while the other fights against them. Years and years pass, things get worse, and you wonder how did these people make it through such hardship.
#2 Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough. What a peculiar book. I was all kinds of upside down reading this book. I just kept wondering "Why?", "Why are the doors important?", "Why is this a problem?" I guess much of the plot didn't make sense. Behind Your Eyes is a typical unreliable narrator story that unravels very slowly. I don't want to give away too much because I think these books are better read without knowing anything. Overall, I just did not care for where this book went and how long it took to get there. It just was not for me!
Since this post is so very short this month, I thought I would do a little mid year reading checkin. As of July 31, I have read 26 books. I have slowed down considerable since the beginning of the year and way slower than 2016. I haven't been too excited over the books I've read this year. My books have been pretty average. Only a couple books have stood out as favorites.

Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng was a favorite. That book really got down deep to my soul and touched some real life feels for me. It is not a book that I will recommend for others because I think it's very personal to the reader. If you love that book, I get it. If you don't love the book, I think I kind of get that too :) My second favorite of the year was The Arrangement by Sarah Dunn. When I started reading this book, I felt like a horrible person. I really considered putting it down because the premise of the book goes against one of my strongest beliefs. Here is this author basing an entire plot line on open marriage and I'm all "Maybe I shouldn't"??? But I did because I'm an adult and I can be a big girl despite difference of opinions. The Arrangement was so unexpected and I had some really great take aways for my closed relationship :) I do recommend this book, especially to those who have been married awhile, because it's important to be reminded to not go on autopilot with your spouse.
My biggest reading commitment this year was my Summer To Be Read pile. At the beginning of summer, I created this stack of must read books. I stuck to it and read every book, except The Lightning Thief. I read two chapters and knew it wasn't for me. I really enjoyed Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng and The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. The Dry by Jane Harper and Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough were my least favorites.
Looking ahead, I hope to read a few more 2017 releases. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Tara Jenkins Reid is high on my list. It has a lot of great reviews and yet, my small town library doesn't have one copy. So sad! The second book on my list is Since We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate which my library doesn't have either. This might be a good time for a little reading break. I'm feeling a little burnt out lately over books. I just want something light and happy... and funny would be nice. If you have any suggestions, please send them my way :) Until them, I'm taking a little break.
Linking up with Jana, Steph, and Narci for all the book recommendations your heart desires :)
Linking up with Jana, Steph, and Narci for all the book recommendations your heart desires :)
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