The Marine Corps has been throwing a wrench in our plans lately. Not a fun time when that happens.
Thankfully this week has been more normal, allowing us to relax a little together and enjoy life.
And because this week has been awesome....
we are going to bring this post all the way back to last Saturday.
When my husband didn't have to work and he wanted to get out of the house.
This phrase is music to my ears.
However, when my husband wants to do something, he prefers it to be free.
My go to is hiking. Always hiking :)
Hiking is hard to find on the coastline here. It's all flat swampy land.
Seek and you shall find.
This is the Basin Trail at Fort Fisher in the Wilmington area.
It was a nice mix of sand, marsh, and forest hiking.
Lots of wildlife and things to see.
Opps, I almost forgot, we walked the Kure Beach pier first.
This rickety old pier is not for the faint of heart.
We talked to the local fishermen and saw all their catch of the day.
Weird creatures out there in the ocean!
Don't get me wrong this picture is a little creepy.
I wanted to post our Sunday fun day but hate posting other people's kids on the internet.
Blurred faces it is!
We took a carload of boys to the trampoline park for D's birthday.
I've never heard so much March Madness talk in my life.
How do these kids know all this stuff?
This week I started and finished Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon.
I really liked it. I don't typically read young adult stuff but this was good.
I posted all the books I read in March here.
If you like that sort of thing :) I read all good books this month!
On Tuesday, I took the day off to work on my to-do list.
One of my tasks was dropping off books at a Little Free Library.
Have you visited one yet?
I posted all our previous Little Free Library visits here.
This one was not in the post.
Wednesday was a work day.
Thursday I attended the MilSpouseFest 2017 for Camp Lejeune.
I found out about this event from Kara at Ramblings of A Marine Wife.
I took her word for it and pushed myself to attend.
Oh yes, I have to make myself go to these things.
I'm glad I went.
I want to encourage you all to check out the link and register for a spot.
I think you will love it.
It's always nice to get out, be entertained, and pampered.
To feel the love from others for what you are doing or sacrificing in this lifestyle.
Even the most seasoned spouse feel that burn out :)
I felt the love at MilSpouseFest 2017 💜
The event was very interactive and fun.
No preaching or Powerpoints.
It is more of an encouragement about the stuff that really matters and effects us versus an education is what we already know.
I'm going to end with my favorite picture and moment from the week.
It was such a perfect day to walk along the beach.
Happy Friday :)
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