
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Be Careful What You Wish For

Because you might just get it! Hannah Montana fans anyone? I swear there was a song from her Disney days with that verse in it. But I can't remember the name of that song. Can anyone help a girl out? Google has failed me!

 My daughter was a big Hannah Montana fan back in the day circa 2008 :) I can remember tearing up hearing her sweet little voice belt out those empowering lyrics. I'm sure hearing my now teenager sing Miley Cyrus songs would bring on the same reaction these days. Thankfully we don't have that issue because even my teenager knows she cray-zeh!

I've come to know the reality of that phrase very personally this week. Those words came to bite me in the behind in a big way last week. I've been grumbling a lot about a day off lately. Just a mental health day at the Happiest Place on Earth. Every time I thought I could make it happen, then something would come up to delay it. When I finally got everything covered at work to take my day, I managed to hurt myself pretty badly. I slammed the car door directly into my ankle. Who does that? Um, this girl! It hurt like a pain I've never felt and I'm pretty tough. Not to brag but I had a baby au naturale. So I'm pretty tough. But this hurt really bad, I honestly thought it was broken. After a pretty lengthy trip at the ER, we found out it wasn't broken. But I got a brace and crutches to help the healing process since putting any weight on it sent a shot of pain up to my hip.

Not only did I get my mental health day but I got a few others as well. And I'm still unable to return to work until my doctor sends over some paperwork. Which any military spouse can guess how that is going. So, my one mental health day has eaten up the remainder of my sick days and I'm still waiting for all of this to be resolved. I've decided to set up camp at Navy Hospital CP tomorrow. Just for fun. I can spend the whole day waiting patiently for that paper to be faxed over to my "headquarters". I got nothing better to do. And by patiently I really mean borderline stalker status. So...wish me luck???

As pointless as this post is, it main purpose is just a chance for me to vent. I'm so frustrated by my lack of control over this situation. Yep it really is the bottom line. I suppose there could be a morale to the story... be careful what you whine about? That seems about right! I believe Someone is listening very intently and will gladly give you exactly what you hoped for. Ten fold! I swear I never learn my lesson. Pray for patience, you get something to be patient about. Pray for a day off work and you get a week.

It reminds me of something my husband always says...I'm never satisfied ;)



  1. oh my! I'm glad it's not broken but boo for having to use up all your other days. Hope it heals quickly!

  2. Oh no!! I'm glad it's not broken, but I'm so sorry you have to use up all your days for this :( I hope you feel better soon! I would totally be hanging out at the clinic stalking them for my paperwork, too! I hope you're successful!

  3. Oh my goodness, girl! You must be moving tooooo fast to be slamming the door on your ankle! Hope you're able to enjoy some relaxation while your body heals!

  4. Oh goodness!!!!!!!! I'm so glad it's not broken!

  5. EEK! I hope you get moving again soon! And good luck getting things out of medical. They are just SO helpful!

  6. Ahhhh! I'm so sorry this is the way you got your mental health day! Hope you feel better soon! :) At least the fam has to wait on you hand and foot now! ;)

  7. Aww man, that's too bad.
    Enjoy the time off though.
    You never know when you might need it again! ;)

  8. Hope it heals fast!!! Don't feel bad...I do things like trip over nothing......

  9. Oh my goodness! That's terrible! Get better girlfriend! Did you make any progress at the hospital?

  10. Oh goodness! Hope you feel better soon and good luck with the borderline stalker status- I've been there! The military definitely has some paperwork issues!
