
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cereal and Doritos

It's What's for Dinner! Cereal and Doritos. What are we celebrating you ask? Another day of TDY under our belt. The joy of a life filled with acronyms, right?!?  For all you normal folk, aka non-military, the husband is away for a few. Training in the desert.  Me and the kiddos are holding down the homefront. I've long given up the hope that I can be a stellar mom when I'm outnumbered 3 to 1. I just let it ride. Frankly, I'm just happy to not have "forced" my kids to eat another meal out tonight. Believe it or not, kids do eventually groan at the idea of going out to eat. I just found that out tonight.

I decided to heat up my leftover soup and offered cereal, eggs, or a sandwich to the kids. They all chose cereal and then asked for some chips after. In my mind, the two don't mix but whatever. I promise tomorrow I will cook. I promise.

In less interesting news, I found out buying a dozen bagels from the local bagel shop will get you an entire day's worth of meals for a family of four. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Score!

We are ending our day with Lilo & Stitch 2. It's 8 o clock ish and the kids should be reading. If the husband was here, they would be reading. But tonight, I say no reading. No, really, after the movie I know I am going to have to tell them No Reading.  Let's rebel and be unproductive couch potatoes, k. It's almost the weekend. TGIF!



  1. Good for you, mom! I'm sure your kids appreciate the non-routine fun :) Now pass those Doritos my way!

  2. We have breakfast for dinner a lot when my husband is gone! haha

  3. I almost always read through movie nights growing up. I did (and still) usually find more fun in a book than on the tv. Good luck with the TDY. I hate those :/

  4. umm...Doritos? YUM! My mom used to never buy them except for like birthday parties and Im pretty sure it made me love them MORE.

  5. I want to come hang out with you. I'm betting my kids do too. Your the coolest mom!!!

  6. No judgement here...yesterday in a rush before baseball practice I realized I had fed the kids a mid-morning breakfast, but no lunch. Whoops - here's a few pringles to help you make it through practice!
