
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Daydreaming Of A Kid-less Vacation

Often times during a hike, Zac and I will find ourselves behind the others. Ky suggests we are hereditarily slow walkers. I believe I'm out of shape. My husband says we are slow. Whatever the reason, I don't mind. Zac and I are bonding. Zac loves to talk. At some point along the way, Zac will direct the conversation to money. He might ask If this rock were gold, how much do you think it would be worth?  Then I reply, I don't know anything about rocks or gold.  Zac will suggest some dollar amount and I will say Yes because I know where the boy wants the conversation to go. He wants to imagine how he would spend an endless amount of money. It's cute.

I suppose Zac's daydreams are similar to my daydreams about life with adult children. When my free time will be spent freely. When my vacation days accrue endlessly and a vacation means relaxing. Can you hear the steel drum and ocean waves? I think so!

Jenni, from Story of My Life, poses the question If you had 3 months off to do anything in the world, what would you do? My first reaction was pack my bags. I want to go somewhere! There are so many places I haven't seen. I've always wanted to see the United States from coast to coast. A road trip maybe. Some time in the Big Apple. The Nation's capital. The Northwest.

Part of me would like to do something daring. Lately I've been following the journey of two Marines walking across America to bring awareness to Wounded Warriors.  I am inspired. How cool would it be to walk across America? Meet people. Walk with them. Share an important story.

Zac and I talk about the two Marines as we followed the group up the mountain. He agreed a cross country walk should be in our future. Did you catch that? The kid just crashed my kidless vacation daydream! Maybe I am destined to have a tag along.


  1. I would want to go somewhere too! Just get away from reality.

  2. Im with you -- three months off?! I would definitely want to hit the road and travel!

  3. We've had similar conversations about what we would do if there were no limitations, traveling is always the answer. I'm a new follower via twitter and bloglovin from the hop.

  4. A kidless vacation?!? Only in my wildest dreams!

  5. I would pack my bags too!! There is so much much to see in this country and the world!! Well, if you find yourself in the Big Apple in the next couple months...let me know! ;)

  6. Vacations are always fun, and I think half the fun is planning the getaway! :)

  7. love this thought, all of it. kidless vacation, cherished small talk with your boy, awareness. thank you for sharing today.

  8. I am far, far, away from the possibility of a kidless vacation, but I have had a few kidless weeks thanks to my parents. If I had three months off from work, I would hope it was the summer and I would spend it with my kids. We would visit my parents, go to the park, hang out with friends, and then probably get real tired of each other!!
