
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Confessional Friday #2

I'm linking up with A Blonde Ambition again for Confessional Friday. Time to unleash all these deep dark secrets...

 #1 I confess...I found a penny! And it made my day. I was at work and I should have been doing something productive than picking up another person's castoffs. I can't help it the shiny copper caught my eye.

 #2 I confess...I'm so ready for our vacation. 'Nuff said.

 #3 I confess...the closet at the top of my stairs desperately deperately needs to be organized. I have been avoiding it for months... and months...and months. I just keep throwing stuff in there and promising myself I will get to it. Not happening.

 #4 I confess...I admit while playing Words With Friends with my hubby. I got 36 points by adding an S to LOBSTER/RANT. Haha. My husband thinks that is the truest form of cheating on that game. I think it's the use of Qi and En and all other words that have no meaning!

#5 Went to see Magic Mike with friends. Let me say...those boys can move! Yikes!

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